Tag Archives: free analysis WiFi tool

Mac up again, free analysis WiFi tool, Scrapple, WiFi and Time Capsule

Image from the Apple NZ Mac page.

The Mac gains again in global market share — Some folks say iOS devices such as the iPad Pro will replace the Mac. Well, apparently not anytime soon. While tablet sales continue to decline, overall Mac marketshare during the March quarter continued to grow globally during the first quarter of 2016, according to the latest research data from Gartner and IDC, while all other PC brands continue their long declines.

Free wifi tool also does Windows now — NetSpot, the wifi analysts tool anyone can use, now has a Windows version.

Scrapple on 40% discount — Scapple, the freeform mind-mapping software that lets you easily record and find connections between your ideas, is designed to help you put all your ideas in one place, then draw logical conclusions from them. It’s currently discounted. Here are a couple of other possibly handy Mac apps, too.

How to disable Wi-Fi base station features on a Time Capsule — Why have it blasting out wifi if you don’t use it? [I personally do use it as it’s so much more powerful and easier to configure than my Vodafone modem – in my case, that’s the one I turned off.]